电影 因为你



  • 片名:因为你
  • 状态:高清
  • 主演:Starring/Lisa/Martinek/Beat/Marti/
  • 导演:Annette/Ernst/
  • 年份:2011
  • 地区:德国
  • 类型:剧情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:2011
  • 语言:德语
  • 更新:2022-05-20 19:08
  • 简介:After his company goes bankrupt, Charles commits suicide. Now left on her own, his widow Marie is shocked to find out that he also had a mountain of personal debt.\rCharles’ father blames Marie for her husband’s death and refuses to financially support her and her three kids.\rWhen she loses her house, Marie is forced to move into an apartment in a public housing development to make ends meet..\rMarie finds a job in a supermarket and the kids manage to adjust to the difficult situation. But when Marie is sexually harassed by her boss, she quits..\rOut of despair, she decides to work alongside her neighbors Ranja, Sonja and Valeska on the street. Rania introduces her as a high-class prostitute.\rFinally, Marie is earning enough money to support her family. Meanwhile, Marie’s father-in-law hires a private detective to determine the source of Marie’s sudden income.\rThen, Valeska’s pimp Ernie murders one of his rivals and brutally attacks Sonja. He forces the girls to work for him. Ernie also becomes aware of the detective shadowing Marie and makes him talk about his client.\rWhen the pimp meets with Marie’s father-in-law, the two come up with a shady and disturbing plan…
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首页 电影 剧情片 因为你


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After his company goes bankrupt, Charles commits suicide. Now left on her own, his widow Marie is shocked to find out that he also had a mountain of personal debt.\rCharles’ father blames Marie for her husband’s death and refuses to financially support her and her three kids.\rWhen she loses her house, Marie is forced to move into an apartment in a public housing development to make ends meet..\rMarie finds a job in a supermarket and the kids manage to adjust to the difficult situation. But when Marie is sexually harassed by her boss, she quits..\rOut of despair, she decides to work alongside her neighbors Ranja, Sonja and Valeska on the street. Rania introduces her as a high-class prostitute.\rFinally, Marie is earning enough money to support her family. Meanwhile, Marie’s father-in-law hires a private detective to determine the source of Marie’s sudden income.\rThen, Valeska’s pimp Ernie murders one of his rivals and brutally attacks Sonja. He forces the girls to work for him. Ernie also becomes aware of the detective shadowing Marie and makes him talk about his client.\rWhen the pimp meets with Marie’s father-in-law, the two come up with a shady and disturbing plan…


  • 正片
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    8.0 松井玲奈/日比美思/笕利夫/唐田英里佳/尾碕真花/牧野仁菜/天野菜月/
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    2.0 高岛礼子/渡边一计/塚地武雅/森口瑶子/林家正藏/加贺麻理子/斋藤汰鹰/
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    3.0 玛瑞萨·阿贝拉///杰克·奥康奈尔///莱丝利·曼维尔///埃迪·马森///布隆森·韦伯///安苏·卡比亚///萨姆·布坎南///哈尔莉·伯德///皮埃尔·伯格曼/
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    9.0 稻垣吾郎///新垣结衣///矶村勇斗///佐藤宽太///东野绚香///山田真步//
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    6.0 达科塔·约翰逊///水野索诺娅///杰梅因·福勒///科雷西·克莱门斯///莫莉·戈登// Whitmer Thomas //西恩·海耶斯///泰格·诺塔洛///敖德萨·阿德隆/
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    6.0 潘元甲/李冲/


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