电影 夏克的爱



  • 片名:夏克的爱
  • 状态:高清
  • 主演:Christina/Plate/August/Schmölzer/简·索尼克/Maximilian/Krückl/Elfi/Eschke/
  • 导演:Thomas/Jacob/
  • 年份:2010
  • 地区:德国
  • 类型:喜剧/剧情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:2010
  • 语言:德语
  • 更新:2022-06-28 12:43
  • 简介:Once a wild child of the mountains, Sandra Hofer has been transformed into a sophisticated city girl. She now works with her friend Matthias Jansen in a very successful advertising agency in Vienna.\rWhen Sandra inherits a hut in the mountains from her recently deceased father, she plans to sell it. Matthias likes to buy a penthouse apartment in Vienna, but Sandra is not quite ready to commit – she simply is not yet sure that she wants to live with him.\rWhen she arrives in Tyrol to prepare for the cabin’s sale, she meets her father’s friends, Theres, Karl and Katti.\rAt first Sandra feels guilty because the three will lose their jobs, but then when she realizes that the buyer is Mayor Xaver Riemer, her father’s most hated enemy, she decides to temporarily open the cabin for the upcoming season. Theres, Karl and Katti are thrilled.\rBut Xaver, a spiteful man, vengefully uses every possible means at his disposal to damage Sandra’s standing in the community. His son Mark, Sandra’s teenage sweetheart, is a fair guy who frowns on his father’s methods.\rAdmiring her fighting spirit, Mark does what he can to help Sandra. It is not long before their old sparks reignite and they are again drawn to each other. By this point Sandra has already felt the sting of Xaver’s power. Being the mayor, he has influence on bakers, supermarkets, printers and banks and viciously manipulates them in his campaign against her.\rWilling to go to any length, he even finally persuades Matthias to take his side. The two devise a malicious plan, in which two visitors to the cabin are injured, leaving the authorities no choice but to close it down...
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首页 电影 喜剧片 夏克的爱


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Once a wild child of the mountains, Sandra Hofer has been transformed into a sophisticated city girl. She now works with her friend Matthias Jansen in a very successful advertising agency in Vienna.\rWhen Sandra inherits a hut in the mountains from her recently deceased father, she plans to sell it. Matthias likes to buy a penthouse apartment in Vienna, but Sandra is not quite ready to commit – she simply is not yet sure that she wants to live with him.\rWhen she arrives in Tyrol to prepare for the cabin’s sale, she meets her father’s friends, Theres, Karl and Katti.\rAt first Sandra feels guilty because the three will lose their jobs, but then when she realizes that the buyer is Mayor Xaver Riemer, her father’s most hated enemy, she decides to temporarily open the cabin for the upcoming season. Theres, Karl and Katti are thrilled.\rBut Xaver, a spiteful man, vengefully uses every possible means at his disposal to damage Sandra’s standing in the community. His son Mark, Sandra’s teenage sweetheart, is a fair guy who frowns on his father’s methods.\rAdmiring her fighting spirit, Mark does what he can to help Sandra. It is not long before their old sparks reignite and they are again drawn to each other. By this point Sandra has already felt the sting of Xaver’s power. Being the mayor, he has influence on bakers, supermarkets, printers and banks and viciously manipulates them in his campaign against her.\rWilling to go to any length, he even finally persuades Matthias to take his side. The two devise a malicious plan, in which two visitors to the cabin are injured, leaving the authorities no choice but to close it down...


  • 高清
    2.0 王宝强/刘昊然/肖央/刘承羽/
  • 正片
    3.0 暂无/
  • 正片
    1.0 郭富城///林家栋///任贤齐///张可颐///林雪///卢海鹏///梁仲恒///鲍起静///王敏德///孙佳君///曾比特///符家浚///张松枝///姜卓文///陈毅燊///王颂茵///姜大卫///胡定欣/
  • 正片
    6.0 弗朗索瓦·贝莱昂///卡西·莫泰·克莱恩// La Ribot //黛博拉·卢库穆娜///阿斯特里德·惠特纳尔///让-本笃·尤格斯///莎宾·蒂莫提欧// Anna Pieri //多米尼克·雷蒙// Lisa Harder / Luc Bruchez/
  • 正片
    6.0 柳乐优弥/佐久间由衣/松坂桃李/吉冈里帆/岛崎遥香/加藤清史郎/仲野太贺/吉田钢太郎/冈田将生/Sakura Andô/上白石萌歌/木南晴夏/吉原光夫/
  • 正片
    3.0 卡拉·古奇诺/科尔·斯普罗斯/特里纳·拉法尔格/乔·克里斯特/杰拉尔丁·辛格/布莱斯·罗梅罗/唐娜·杜普兰提尔/凯瑟琳·纽顿/西尔维娅·格雷丝·克里姆/查理·塔尔伯特/珍妮弗·皮尔斯·马尔萨斯/里奇·蒙哥马利/莉扎·索伯拉奧/沃克·巴宾顿/珍娜·戴维斯/莎拉·费希尔/亨利·艾肯伯里/萨默·塞尔比/莱西·多佛/保拉·安迪诺/乔伊·哈里斯/贾林·雷/
  • 正片
    9.0 梁小龙/谢孟伟/菅则琪/张鹏/何达/左腾云/姜艺声/崔雅涵/琪格/
  • 正片
    9.0 弗朗索瓦·达密安/斯塔西·马汀/巴勃罗·保利/斯蒂芬妮·凡·维/维克图瓦尔·杜布瓦/玛丽·巴比隆/吉列尔莫·吉兹/
  • 正片
    4.0 博曼·伊拉尼/沙鲁克·汗/塔丝·潘努/
  • 正片
    7.0 暂无/


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